Give us a helping hand

BCN is a welfare forum established by the Bhutanese living in the Netherlands. Its registration number with the Chambers of Commerce (KvK) is 34365562. BCN activities are Netherlands based and based in other countries. Please check the program of your interest and support us.

Our Programs:

1. Support to the Bhutanese in the Netherlands

What, where and why: BCN is a welfare forum established by the Bhutanese living in the Netherlands. Its registration number with the Chambers of Comers (KvK) is 34365562. BCN strives to assist the Bhutanese living in the Netherlands for their speedy and smooth integration into the Dutch society. All the Bhutanese who are in the Netherlands are either asylum-seekers or the invited refugees. But, the majority of are invited by the government of the Netherlands in 2009 under the scheme "third country resettlement program". This scheme came under the recommendation of United Nations High Commissioners for the Refugee (UNHCR). Grant of asylum or invitation of refugees is not an integration. They need way out. So, BCN got established. BCN requests you to assist us in helping our people to be economically productive, psychologically strong and to assist them to contribute to the society that they live in.

Who: We call into action - the volunteers, social workers, retired individuals, the professionals - psychologists, counsellors, trainers etc; computer technicians, writers, lawyers, human rights activist, journalists, academicians and people expressing solidarities and corporate values.

How: You could help us through: " Volunteer language tuitions " Visiting the houses of Bhutanese and trying to explore their concerns " Helping us organise orientation programs by providing the participants with travel allowances, meeting places, stationeries, etc " Helping us organise cultural programs

2. To the vulnerable people elsewhere (our focus is Bhutan and Nepal):

What, where and why: Please read the section “To the Bhutanese in the Netherlands”. In addition to this, BCN intends to assist deserving people in Bhutan and in Nepal through:

What: Providing scholarships to vulnerable school children Providing support to the victims of violence, especially to those victimised with allegation of being "witch" or practicing witch-crafty Providing clothes (used or new) to the street children or to the children of poor families in Nepal

How: You could help us through following:

  • Donation - open or earmarked

  • As a volunteer

  • Donating books, school materials, used clothes, etc

  • Taking care to ship or mail our products to the victims

To help us you could seek further information with BCN
You could donate us. Our account number is: NL76 SNSB 0773251944